FCCF Athlete: Tim R.

“Tim is a steadfast part of the Fern Creek CrossFit evening crowd and his infectious personality lifts those around him. He has bravely ventured into a morning workout before and left a lasting impression with his sense of humor. Tim doesn’t know an excuse and works around any obstacle thrown his way. Whether it be working on a barge for weeks at a time or consistently pushing his body through what he once thought was a limitation, he is determined and dedicated.” – Coach Meg

Check out Tim’s Spotlight below!

Q&A with Tim

What inspired you to try CrossFit? How long have you been doing it? 

I started CrossFit so that I would look better in photos for an upcoming wedding. Had a few months experience from earlier years in western Kentucky. But began working out in November 2019 at CrossFit knuckleheads. My second year of continually getting better is right around the corner.

What is your least favorite CrossFit movement?

Honestly double-unders or jumping rope in general is my least favorite.

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?

Back squats are by far my favorite movement!

Do you have a goal you are working on at the gym?

My goal is always the same. Do better, be better. I spent so much of my life not taking care of myself that putting me first is a challenge every day. 

What is one thing that CrossFit has changed about your life that you never expected it to?

It may be cliché but CrossFit has done a lot to improve my ‘I can do that’ attitude, whether it be a new barbell PR or a mental hurdle I’ve been struggling with for years.

Are you married? Do you have children?

I married last October. In total we have 4 children ranging from 13-21.

Where are you originally from? How long have you lived in Louisville?

I was born in Havorfordwest Wales (UK) but spent the most of my life growing up in south Florida and west Texas. And have lived in Louisville for growing on 6 years now.

What do you do for a living? How long have you been doing it? 

I currently work as a mate on a lower Mississippi tow boat, but I will have my license soon to start steering and hopefully be a river captain in the not too distant future. I’ve worked for Ingram barge for 13 years and what an adventure it has been. 

Lastly, you recently got your diabetes under control! (Congratulations!!!) What would you say to any other person thinking about trying CrossFit, but nervous about their diabetes or health limitations getting in the way?

I would say you never know what you’re capable of until you get out of your comfort zone. Living in fear is not living. It’s merely existing!

Tim with his Wife Amanda.

Thank you for being a member of the Fern Creek CrossFit family, Tim. 

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