
Canned Food Drive Starts October 1st!

Hi guys. Thanks for visiting Kipping it Real with Coach Meg! I’m glad you are here.

Bright Spots

Thanks for being you, Trent!

I’d love to call attention to Coach Trent today. Trent did a random act of kindness that left me almost speechless. He went above and beyond to make sure one of our members was taken care of and his true colors shined bright. We’ve got some amazing people inside the walls of Fern Creek CrossFit. Trent didn’t want any attention for what was done so I will leave it at that.

Superwoman or Super woman? (Also, that t-shirt!)

Guess who had their first day back to the gym postpartum this week? That’s right Ellie Pardue, I’m talking about you girl! We see you! Not only did she come back with a vengeance, Ellie signed up to run the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon in April! Is there anything this mama cannot do?! If you find out, let me know.

The canned food drive starts October 1st. All collected goods will benefit The Franciscan Kitchen here in Louisville. The Franciscan Kitchen, which was founded in 1980, is known for serving “homeless, hungry, and street people.” They operate solely on donations and with generosity from volunteers. It is estimated they serve about 420 hot lunches daily, Monday thru Friday. The Louisville community has a great need for this facility and it would be a true honor to help them in some small way.

Any and all donations are greatly appreciated.

Throughout October we will collect nonperishable items. The Franciscan Kitchen is looking for things like –

  • 1. Beans
  • 2. Rice
  • 3. Shelf-stable milk
  • 4. Peanut butter and jelly
  • 5. Canned fish
  • 6. Healthy soups or stews
  • 7. Pasta sauce and canned tomatoes
  • 8. Granola bars
  • 9. Popcorn
  • 10. Quinoa
  • 11. Pastas
  • 12. Oatmeal
  • 13. Rolled Oats
  • 14. Unsweetened Applesauce
  • 15. Nuts and seeds (unsalted)
  • 16. Beef, Chicken, and Vegetable Broths and Stocks
  • 17. Canola and Olive Oil
  • 18. Salt and Pepper
  • 19. Honey or Maple Syrup
I’ll shop for you : )

If you are busy and would like a personal shopper, you can Venmo me and I would be more than happy to grab some of the items on the list and give you a receipt. You can also go directly to their website and give a monetary donation at

Over 420 hot lunches PER DAY…

I’d love to introduce the Franciscan Community to the Fern Creek CrossFit Community!

The Franciscan Kitchen does a Christmas Giveaway of coats, hats, underwear, toiletries, and blankets to adults each year. They give clothing and toys to children. (This is something for us to think about as December approaches…)

December 7th!
Be there or be square!

Speaking of Christmas, our annual Christmas party has been set for December 7th. Mark those calendars now! Can’t wait to celebrate with you all.

That’s it for today! Thanks again for taking time out of your day to catch up around here. Go do a random act of kindness and check back soon for another edition of Kipping it Real with Coach Meg.

If you know of someone who has done an act of kindness or that has been working their tail off that you feel should receive some recognition or encouragement, please let me know! I’d love to include them in a Bright Spot.

The Deadly Quartet – Dr. Norman Kaplan

The Deadly Quartet - Dr. Norman Kaplan

CrossFit Founder Greg Glassman has been highlighting the importance of Dr. Norman Kaplan’s paradigm-shifting 1989 paper “The Deadly Quartet” for more than a decade.

In this talk from 2007, Glassman explains Kaplan’s findings: The frequent coexistence of obesity, hypertension, glucose intolerance and hypertriglyceridemia suggests a shared pathogenesis, and “what’s causing heart disease is not dietary fat intake but excessive consumption of carbohydrate.”

CrossFit® – Forging Elite Fitness® (

The CrossFit Games® – The Sport of Fitness™
The Fittest On Earth™

Bacon and Eggs

CrossFit Recipes: Bacon and Eggs

Bacon and Eggs with Sliced Avocado and Roasted Tomatoes.

2 eggs
1-3/4 oz. bacon
1/2 avocado
6 vine tomatoes

CrossFit® – Forging Elite Fitness® (

The CrossFit Games® – The Sport of Fitness™
The Fittest On Earth™

Kipping It Real with Coach Meg

Hot off the presses! It’s the first ever edition of Kipping it Real with Coach Meg! I’m so glad you are here today.

Bright Spots

Here at Kipping it Real we will always start with a bit of happiness. You’ve stopped by on a GREAT day because there is an abundance of joy to go around!

Best wishes!

First and foremost, a huge congratulations goes out to John and Erin Spyrka on their recent wedding in Florida. We are truly thrilled for you both and wish you a lifetime of happiness!  

We’ve got Thomas Roundtree, who not only just celebrated a birthday, but casually passed his Level One Certificate as well. 

Aaron Davis completed the same Level One Course and also received his certificate. Congratulations to both of these gentlemen on a job well done!

Latest L1 participants at FCCF! Can you find Thomas and Aaron?

It should be mentioned that several Level One Certificate Seminars have been held at the gym, which is an enormous honor, but let me be the first to tell you that the L1 exam is no cake walk! Leading up to the seminar weekend, these athletes are doing copious amounts of studying. During the L1 weekend, they are learning a plethora of information in a short period of time. My hats off to both of you gentlemen and all of our recent participants at FCCF. We are so proud of each and every one of you.

Jamie going to work!

This past weekend we had a slew of athletes competing in Festivus! Shout out to Trent Miller, Erick and Laurie Lawson, Nicholas Triplett, Jamie Pyron, and Bryan Brown for their drive, heart, and representation.

Representing at Festivus.

Laurie brought home a 3rd place finish, as did Erick and Bryan! All of you put in such effort. It is inspiring to witness such dedication on a weekly basis.

Nutrition is vital in fitness. It gives you the fuel your body requires to do what you do each day. When you are on the go, as most of us are, finding quick and healthy options to fuel the body can prove challenging. That is why a big round of applause is warranted for all of the Fern Creek CrossFit Nutrition Challenge participants. Over the past 8 weeks, several of our members have stepped outside of their comfort zones and worked towards a healthier lifestyle. Shout out to Olivia McGuire on her 1st place finish and Stephanie Green for coming in hot with 2nd place. Job well done ladies! Congratulations to Kevin Forcht for finishing in 1st place and Cliff Peters in 2nd place for our gentlemen. Impressive work guys!

Pamela Gagnon hosts The Gymnastics Course!

Lastly for our Bright Spots, I’d like to mention several of our lady rock stars who attended The Gymnastics Course. FCCF Coaches Amanda, Lindsey, Tracy, and former coach Vee, all took time out of their busy schedules to gain additional knowledge that can be applied when coaching each and every day! It can be easy to forget that these women wear many hats and have a lot of responsibilities outside of the gym. The four of them are employed, some are wives, mothers, girlfriends, aunts, sisters, dog moms, caregivers, and all are the greatest friends (but the writer of this post may be slightly biased!) Thank you all for working hard and continuing to better yourselves.

Quick plug – Goal Setting Sessions are taking place now. Feel free to reach out to set up your session. You walk away with valuable information that helps you to personalize attainable goals. Don’t be intimidated or embarrassed or think you don’t have time. It takes 10 minutes or less. We are at your service!

Let the guessing game of “What will the next workout be?” begin!

Stay tuned for upcoming information on The CrossFit Open starting October 10th, 2019. There will be longer open gym hours on Saturdays and Sundays to get your Open workout in and submitted.

That’s wraps up our inaugural voyage together. Normally I’ll share a Bright Spot or two and then dive in to a fitness related topic of sorts, but we had so much positivity to discuss, let’s leave it at that. Go do a random act of kindness and check back soon for another edition of Kipping it Real with Coach Meg.