The Buddy Lee Jump Rope Work Shop is coming TO LOUISVILLE on December 19, 2020.
Fern Creek CrossFit will be hosting this event at our new location at 4756 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40218.
This Jump Rope workshop is a world class interactive, high-energy and fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to enhance their programming and workouts of the day.
The Jump Rope workshop is created by US Olympian Buddy Lee, inventor, author and longtime CrossFit® proponent, and former SME who is widely recognized as the world’s foremost jump-rope authority in fitness and sports conditioning. Participants will learn a time tested and proven system used by fitness enthusiasts and some of the world’s Greatest athletes to include Olympic teams, CrossFit® World Games athletes, UFC World champions and multiple sports.
For the first time ever participants will be offered a clear path and proven methodology to master elusive jump-rope skills such as singles, speed, double-unders, triple-unders and more.
For more information on this CrossFit Preferred seminar, including the daily schedule and cost, check out The Buddy Lee CrossFit Jump Rope Course .