FCCF Athlete: Erick M.

“When Erick first joined FCCF, it was immediately clear that had a love for Olympic weightlifting by observing his stellar lifts. It took a long time for Erick to come out of shell (and most days he still stays in his shell), but every once in a while the class can get him to joke around. He is constantly encouraging others, especially his partner, Yanay. We enjoy having Erick around in 6:30 PM class. Thanks for being a part of the community!”

-Coach Amanda

Check out Erick’s Spotlight below!

Q&A with Erick

What inspired you to try CrossFit? How long have you been doing it? 

I was mostly looking be more active. I discovered CrossFit and Olympic weightlifting a few years back, then fell off the CrossFit, and weightlifting wagon for like 6-7 years.  I’ve currently been doing CrossFit for a little over year, I think.

What is your least favorite CrossFit movement?

Thrusters / Echo bike / anything running

What is your favorite CrossFit movement?

The Olympic Lifts. ( Snatch and C&J)

Do you have a goal you are working on at the gym?

Just trying to stay consistent, and active I think that is my main goal so far.

What is one thing that CrossFit has changed about your life that you never expected it to?

I’m healthier now. I got to meet some pretty great people.

Are you married? Do you have children?

Yes. And I have two daughters.

Where are you originally from? How long have you lived in Louisville?

I’m originally form Panama City, Panama. I’ve been in Louisville since 2011.

What do you do for a living? How long have you been doing it? 

I am an accountant. I’ve been doing it for about 11 years combined.

What job would you be terrible at?

Teaching and anything retail or people oriented.

What are you addicted to?

Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. Thanks to Coach Erick Lawson, Amanda and Nick. I guess that is something else I gained from CrossFit, or from Fern Creek CrossFit.

Thank you for being a member of the Fern Creek CrossFit family, Erick.