
Goal Setting Session

Thank you for scheduling your Goal Setting session. You will receive a confirmation email for your appointment.

Please start thinking about your goals and what you would like to discuss with the Coach. And not just any goals – SMART Goals.

S – Specific
M – Measurable
A – Attainable
R – Realistic
T – Timely

There is a lot of value in those 5 words. To make the most of your CrossFit experience, it is a good idea to have some solid goals to work towards. Getting in better shape is a really abstract concept – how do you know when you’ve gotten there? How do you know that you have  achieved your goal? How do you know when it is time to make new and improved goals? Be specific. I want to be able to touch my toes. I want to string together 10 unbroken double unders. I want to front squat 260 pounds. A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal.

Be very careful of weight loss or measurement loss goals though. As your body composition changes you may very well lose fat and gain muscle and actually see the numbers on the scale increase. The way your clothes fit is a better indicator of your body composition than the number on a scale.
Your specific goals need to be measurable. Running faster is a goal, but not one that you can measure as is. You need to be more specific, like run a 5k in under 20 minutes. This also means that you need to know where you are starting at so that you can see the improvement made. You need to know what your current 5k time is so you can measure your progress over time.

Your goals need to be attainable. You have to have the desire and the means to follow through with them. I can say that I want to complete an IronMan in 2016 in under 12 hours (specific, measurable and timely), but if I don’t have the time or dedication to train that hard or the money for the equipment, it really isn’t an attainable goal for me at this time. Something more attainable might be to run a marathon in 6 months, or complete a sprint triathlon in September.

The goal has to be realistic for you. To be realistic, a goal must represent an objective toward which you are both willing and able to work. A goal can be both high and realistic – you are the only one who can decide just how high your goal should be.

Losing 20 pounds in 2 weeks or increasing your back squat by 100 pounds in a month isn’t safe or realistic. Depending on what your weight is at currently or what your max effort back squat is, we could talk about an appropriate timeline to reach either of those goals. They are both attainable, but we need to make them realistic for you.

Your goals have to have a date on them. Even if that dates moves once in awhile, you have to have a date that you are working towards. If there is no timeframe, there is no sense of urgency. Goals with no time frame belong on a Bucket List. Those things you will get around to someday. Doing a strict push up, pull up or muscle up in 30 days is something you can work on right now.

Another important part of this is to share your goals with your Coach. They surely want to help you achieve everything you are working towards, but they need to know what that is to help you in the most efficient way possible. If you are looking to compete, they know to enforce movement standards and maybe call out some no-reps. They can also push you harder in workouts.

Taking your goals into account will also help you decide how many days a week you should be committing to the gym and how clean your eating, recovery and sleep habits are. Your coaches want to help you with all of this.

When you identify goals that are most important to you, you begin to figure out ways you can make them a reality. You develop the attitudes, abilities, skills, and financial capacity to reach them. You begin seeing previously overlooked opportunities to bring yourself closer to the achievement of your goals. You can attain most any goal you set when you plan your steps wisely and establish a time frame that allows you to carry out those steps. You many not know exactly what those steps are, but good coaches can help you figure that out.

Where everyone knows your name!

Welcome back to Kipping it Real with Coach Meg!

Thank you for stopping by today and always. You’ve picked an extra special day to visit because I recently had the privilege of sitting down with our veteran morning coach, Coach Robbie, to discuss the sport of CrossFit and get a glimpse inside his life. 

Coach Robbie has been with Fern Creek CrossFit since the doors opened. He has been a steadfast part of the gym for many members. His vast knowledge of the movements, along with his passion to help others reach their full potential, has impacted countless individuals. His sarcastic wit has not : )

Meg: What made you start CrossFit?

Robbie: I was training for a marathon and tweaked my knee back in 2012.  I realized that I was really bored with my training regimen and needed to change things up.  I was at LAC one morning and they were in the beginning stages of starting a Crossfit program, and the head trainer asked me to do Grace (30 C&J for time) with him.  It sounded simple enough but it absolutely wrecked me and I was hooked from that point on.  

Meg: What has made you continue CrossFit?

Robbie: First is the training modality, the philosophy of constantly varied functional movement never allows me to get bored with my workouts.  Secondly, is the results and the direct impact that my crossfit training has had on my everyday life.  Lastly, the friendships that I have built with my training partners and the community as a whole. 

Meg: What is your least favorite CrossFit movement?

Robbie: Overhead squats for sure.  My lack of mobility makes it difficult to get in the correct positions but I need to shout out Coach Bryan Brown, who has worked with me on my overhead squat over the last several months and I am starting to see some real progress.

Meg: What attributes do you think a coach must possess to be a great coach? 

Robbie: Knowledge of the movements, ability to communicate effectively to your athletes, enthusiasm for what you are doing, and ability to lead a large group of people and keep them on task

Meg: What is the most frustrating thing about being a coach?

Robbie: Athletes who do not have an open mind and think that they already know everything that there is to know so they are unwilling to take any sort of constructive feedback.

Meg: For those that don’t know, jiu-jitsu is also a big part of your fitness routine/life. How are jiu-jitsu and CrossFit alike?

Robbie: It may sound simple, but they are both challenging.  I believe it was Jocko who I heard say “Do something difficult every day of your life.”  Both Crossfit and Jiu Jitsu are not only physically challenging but mentally challenging as well and the feeling after a tough day in the box or on the mats is one of the most rewarding feelings in the world.  Secondly, they are both something that we will never master, there are always things to improve on, so this pursuit of improvement on a daily basis keeps me mentally engaged.

Meg: If an athlete is short on cash but wants to build their home gym, what 2 items should they buy first and why?

Robbie: I will do one better, I will give you one item that you should build you home gym around: a kettlebell.  Kettlebells are probably the most versatile piece of equipment that you can own.  You can do swings, cleans, jerks, snatches, presses, rows, curls, squats,  carries, etc. all with a single kettlebell.  You can design so many different workouts all with a single kettlebell so for this reason, I think it should be the staple of any home gym. 
Meg: If you could only listen to one band/artist when working out what/who would it be?

 Robbie: This is tough as I have a very eclectic taste in music.  But if forced to chose I would have to say Drake. 

Meg: Do you have a favorite moment or specific story you love from coaching?

Robbie: It is hard for me to narrow it down to one specific story or moment because there are so many to chose from and everyone who has come to my class, past and present, have all made a lasting impact on me.  My favorite thing about coaching, and my favorite moments, are those where someone is able to do something that they never thought they would be able to do, made especially great when I have watched them struggle for weeks working on a movement or skill and seeing the joy on their faces when they finally breakthrough. 

Meg: When you aren’t in the gym what are you most likely to be doing?

Robbie: Jiu Jitsu lol but outside of all physical activity you will most likely find me playing chess or some other game with my daughter.  She is relentless and talks more shit than I do. 

Meg: What fitness goals will you set for 2021? 

Robbie: First, I think the most important thing about this question is the realization of how essential it is to set specific and measurable goals, not just in fitness but in every aspect of our life.  It is just as important to write down your goals in a very clear manor.  It is not enough to say “I want to get better at Crossfit,” but how specifically are you planning on getting better at CrossFit? With that being said, I set a lot of strength goals as I know they are my weakness, so I am going to set a 350 LBS back squat goal, Clean and Jerk 225 LBS, Sntach and Overhead Squat 185 LBS. I will develop a supplemental plan as to how to get to each of these numbers of the next 12 months. And as soon as I hit these goals, I will set new ones. Never be complacent! 

Meg: Tell us one good thing about 2020 for you.

Robbie: First, it has allowed me to refocus on what is important in my life and slow down and appreciate the small things. Secondly, it has allowed me to focus on my personal goals.  As a coach, we sacrifice a lot of our fitness time to help other athletes, which we love to do, but sometimes it is nice to have some time to focus on yourself as well. 

A big thank you to Coach Robbie for taking the time to answer my questions and for all he does at Fern Creek CrossFit. We are very lucky to have you and we acknowledge your hard work. 
Thank you readers for your time. Now go do a random act of kindness and check back soon for another edition of Kipping it Real with Coach Meg! 

COVID-19 Updates 11/19/2020

⠀We are OPEN!

Yesterday, Governor Beshear released new, temporary restrictions for gyms, and while they are not ideal, they will not prevent you from working out at Fern Creek CrossFit.⠀

The team at FCCF remains committed to providing you a safe atmosphere, an inviting community, and a path forward to ReWriting Your Story!

Let’s dive into the changes: ⠀

All Classes Become “Open Gym” Time Slots

The major news is that group classes are prohibited in the short-term; but, gyms are still allowed to operate at 33% occupancy, which we already adhere to.⠀So, starting Saturday at 9am, classes will become “On Your Own” Open Gym timeslots. You will still reserve your spot (as if you were headed to a class) and sign-in to your reservation.⠀⠀

Time slots will consist of 45 minute increments, limited to 18 participants, beginning at 5:30am, 6:30am, 12:00pm, 4:30pm, 5:30pm, and 6:30pm. We will be reviewing options available to add more time slots in the near future. Please follow the FCCF VIP page on Facebook for updates.

When you arrive, a Coach will be available on the floor as a monitor to answer questions, verify COVID-19 precautions, and to ensure athlete safety, however they are prohibited from leading a class. That means you will arrive and work through the Warm-Up, Strength, and WOD on your own, to finish up within your hour timeslot. Athletes please make sure to thoroughly read through the programming notes in SugarWod. The notes will provide additional guidance to assist with a successful workout.

Coaches can help answer questions, but you’ll need to move through the pieces as if they were pushing you along, so you don’t exceed your 45 minutes.⠀ ⠀

Masks Now Required At All Times ⠀

Everyone in the gym MUST have a mask on at all times. We recognize the strain and burden this may cause during the course of your workout, however we must adhere to the restrictions given to us at this time.

We encourage athletes with medical conditions to evaluate their situation and make appropriate decisions that benefit their health first and foremost. Prior to jumping into your first WOD with a mask, take an opportunity to review some Do’s and Don’ts.

Virtual Programming Options

Not comfortable participating in workouts in the gym? We will be working to open up online virtual options. Please contact us at [email protected] to discuss options.

Moving Forward

We are in accordance with the remainder of the requirements, so these are the only changes taking place at this time.⠀PLEASE make sure to follow the existing Member Procedures when in the facility.

Governor Beshear stated a 3-6 week timeline on these changes. We’ll keep you updated on any further guidance, as we know it.⠀⠀


Thank you for everything you’re doing to keep Fern Creek CrossFit safe and open to the community.

Hot off the presses Kipping it Real with Coach Meg is back!

Hot off the presses Kipping it Real with Coach Meg is back!

If you’re new around here or have forgotten how we do things, we have GOT to start with some bright spots! It has been far too long. Let’s start with our fearless member Gina Egnor. Gina was shockingly diagnosed with Lyphoma in July. She has since been fighting the ultimate fight and just completed her last round of chemo this past Wedneday. Radiation is next in her ongoing battle, but there is no mountain she can’t climb. We are SO proud of you, Gina!

Fern Creek CrossFit officially moved.

We moved right down the street (4756 Bardstown Road) from our previous facility. Instead of being behind a doughnut shop, you can now find us next to a protein shake shop! Talk about convenient. Our new facility is simply stunning! Showers, 4 bathrooms, a sauna, a massive rig, top notch equipment, and space for days! This leads me to my next bright spot, Coach Erick and Coach Bryan. These two were an essential part of the development, design, and execution of the new gym. Countless hours, days, weeks, and months were devoted into making this facility the best it can be. Not only did they deliver, they exceeded any and all expectations. Myself, the coaching staff, and the members of our fit family are forever grateful to both of you for what you’ve created.

This goes hand in hand in hand with Coach Brian and Coach Trent, the owners of Fern Creek CrossFit. They both must be thanked for this new facility because without them, none of this would be possible. We are all truly appreciative.

Bright Spots

Bright spots are well… bright, however, there is an elephant in the room and it’s that this pandemic won’t go away. COVID came in with a vengeance and closed us down for several months. We’ve all been careful since reopening, but we have had to make some changes in the past week for your safety. All athletes must register for a class via Zen Planner and check-in once they have arrived. This is mandatory. Please make sure you have a facial covering until you are in your designated workout zone. Again, this is for your safety and our coaches safety. Use of the sauna has been suspended indefinitely. Clean your equipment fully, this includes anything you came in contact with. We all have to do our part.

Toys for Tots!

Announcement time! Starting this Friday, November 20th, we will be collecting toys for our annual Toys for Tots toy drive. This will be our third year participating with Toys for Tots. The Marines will be picking up the toys earlier than in past years to allow time to disinfect all of the toys. When asked what kind of toys they were in need of most, the representative quickly answered boys and girls items, ages 12-17 years. This age is easily overlooked. Gifts for this age could include things like makeup sets, cologne, basketballs, skateboards, headphones, blow dryers, curling irons, and assorted electronics.

That’s it for today! Thanks for taking time out of your day to catch up around here. Go do a random act of kindness and check back soon for another edition of Kipping it Real with Coach Meg!

CrossFit Preferred Course: Buddy Lee Jump Rope Work Shop

The Buddy Lee Jump Rope Work Shop is coming TO LOUISVILLE on December 19, 2020.

Fern Creek CrossFit will be hosting this event at our new location at 4756 Bardstown Road Louisville, KY 40218.

This Jump Rope workshop is a world class interactive, high-energy and fun seminar at which participants learn how to use a simple and effective tool to enhance their programming and workouts of the day.

The Jump Rope workshop is created by US Olympian Buddy Lee, inventor, author and longtime CrossFit® proponent, and former SME who is widely recognized as the world’s foremost jump-rope authority in fitness and sports conditioning. Participants will learn a time tested and proven system used by fitness enthusiasts and some of the world’s Greatest athletes to include Olympic teams, CrossFit® World Games athletes, UFC World champions and multiple sports.

For the first time ever participants will be offered a clear path and proven methodology to master elusive jump-rope skills such as singles, speed, double-unders, triple-unders and more.

For more information on this CrossFit Preferred seminar, including the daily schedule and cost, check out The Buddy Lee CrossFit Jump Rope Course .

COVID-19 Updates

With the recent increase in COVID 19 cases, and Jefferson County being listed as a red zone for COVID 19 cases, we have made the decision to update our COVID 19 policies.  We ask that you follow these in conjunction with the already established policies.

These are being implemented immediately and we recognize it may take a couple of days for these changes to reach all members.  Coaches will be providing reminders.  Please be patient.

We will be updating our policies on the website, and will be providing printed reminders in the gym.

COVID 19 Guideline Updates

  1. We will return to using separated athlete workout zones.  Class sizes will remain at 18 unless the layout forces a change in participation count.
  2. It is MANDATORY for all athletes to RSVP, and check-in once they arrive at the gym using their personal electronic device.
  3. Athletes will be required to wait in their vehicle until the class coach allows entry into the facility.
  4. Everyone will be required to wear a facial covering until they are in their designated workout zone.  This includes anytime you are retrieving or stowing equipment, using the rest room, or any other activities outside of the designated workout zone.
  5. Coaches will be required to wear a facial covering while coaching.
  6. Sunday Open Gym will have the same requirements, including RSVP, check-in, waiting in vehicle, workout zones, and facial coverings.
  7. Sauna use will be temporarily discontinued.
  8. Children will be allowed to attend with parents under the following conditions.  If this does not work, we will have to ask that children stay home.
    • Children must always wear facial covering.
    • Must remain up front and separated from others by 6 foot.
    • Temperature checks are required.
    • Must always remain seated.
    • Parents required to disinfect areas prior to leaving.

These requirements are subject to change as conditions change.  Please talk with your coach or e-mail [email protected] with any questions.